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Sports massage uses a combination of deep tissue massage and stretching to optimise muscle health, relieve tension and improve performance. 


We offer specific treatments with adjustable pressure to suit you.


Suitable for everyone from professional athletes to novices and also everyday lifestyle tensions.



Deep tissue massage helps improve circulation, release tension, reduce pain and improve mobility.


The pressure is adjustable to suit the individual and the treatment required. 



More About Massage

What is a sports massage?


Sports massage is a hands on treatment for muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia to help relieve pain and tension while aiding circulation and lymphatic flow. It can help recovery from injuries and improve performance.


Sports massage treatments can involve:

  • Deep tissue massage  

  • Neuromuscular techniques 

  • Trigger point release 

  • Myofascial release

  • Stretching 

  • Muscle energy techniques

  • Lymphatic drainage


Regular sessions can also help prevent re-injury, help reduce stress and improve overall well being.


Who is it for?


Sports and deep tissue massage can also be beneficial for non-sporting individuals. It can be helpful for anyone with built up tension from repetitive actions or overuse of everyday life.


Treatment is adapted for individuals, whether it's a full body massage treatment for multiple ares of pain and tension or for specific focus on an injury or area.


Pressure applied is also personalised and adjustable, the treatment shouldn't be painful.


After care


You may be given advice after the treatment regarding stretches or exercises to help your recovery. Sometimes people may experience some tenderness after treatment occasionally described as feeling similar to post exercise soreness, this should only last up to 48 hours after the treatment.  

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